Get the facts: a policy with high EU added value


20 million people in the EU work in transport, exceeding the population of the Netherlands, which is the most densely populated country in the EU. Every billion invested in the EU transport network will create close to 20,000 new jobs.

Transport is currently responsible for 23% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. Delivering on the European Strategy for low-emission mobility will reduce trans-port emissions by 60% by 2050 with investments in green vehicles, clean energy refueling and a multi-modal transport mix.

Today, congestion costs amount to 1% of EU's GDP. If transport stops, our economy and society grind to a halt. Spending € 750 billion to complete the EU transport network will boost our economy by generating € 4.5 billion additional GDP. A high return on investment!

Innovation, digitalisation and automation fundamen-tally change transport as we know it now. Our investment choices today determine how we will travel and move goods in the future and what impact transport will have on our competitiveness, health and planet.
CEF success stories
Creating added value at the crossroads of several European corridors
Digital interoperability to make cargo flow across borders
Région Grand Paris/Ile-de-France
Building the most effective traveler information system ever
Gelderland Province
Making rail-freight traffic cooperation work on the Rhine-Alpine Corridor
Studying ambitious hydrogen mobility competitiveness conditions in transports
An evolving city of the future
FAIRway Danube
One of the most ambitious IT tools in IWT
Rail Baltica
The largest Baltic transport infrastructure project
Why we support
"Cities and regions are the ones dealing with air quality, pollution and liveability. The EU should invest more in sustainable mobility solutions like cyling, e-mobility and our innovative trolley buses."
Geert Ritsema, Vice Mayor, CITY OF ARNHEM
“The agricultural commodities’ mass transport (bulk and containers) to main ports is a key lever for France’s agriculture competitiveness. In addition, it improves the carbon footprint of the food and agriculture industry. For example, the Bray Nogent project on the Seine River would reduce the greenhouse gas emission equivalent to 27,000 trucks per year and traffic congestion on the roads around Paris. We need a strong EU Policy and Budget to modernise railway and river logistics for EU agriculture.”
Jean-Michel Soufflet, CEO, SOUFFLET GROUP
“The challenge ports everywhere face now is to implement projects which often are financially unattractive to the port authority and even less attractive to external investors but which are essential for wider societal and economic reasons. Some ports are financially strong enough to finance such projects and accept the low financial returns. Other ports are challenged to implement projects which are essential but are entirely beyond their means. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the essential means to resolve this conundrum.”
Eamonn O’Reilly, CEO PORT OF DUBLIN and Chairman of ESPO
“Besides a constant need for investment in hard infra-structure, inland ports face multiple (new) societal challenges e.g. digitisation, logistics 4.0, decarbonisation, energy transition & intermodality. These challenges need to be properly addressed and supported with dedicated CEF grants. I would like to thank the EU for the CEF €1.65 billion allocated to 52 IWT-related projects in 2014-2017, which have been of paramount help for our sector to adapt, engage and succeed in the new trends of our times”.
Roland Hoerner, President EFIP and CEO Port of Mannheim
“By making it easier to bring people together, more advanced transport systems can contribute to the EU’s success. Via increased funding for innovative mobility projects, we can deliver on our promises to let EU citizens and businesses thrive.”
Pier Eringa, President EIM & CEO ProRail
“More European budget for transport has a positive and direct return on investment on EU jobs, growth and climate goals. In 2016, ECF has published a report classifying and partially quantifying the benefits of cycling in the EU. The report found that every year, cycling in 28 EU Member States creates economic benefits of EUR 513 billion, that is more than EUR 1000 per inhabitant. It demonstrates that the benefits of cycling arise not only in specific, isolated fields like transport or environmental policy, but also in many other areas where the EU has competences, such as industrial policy, employment, health and social policy."
Bernhard Ensink, Secretary General ECF
“We need to get rid of "blind austerity" to get Europe fully back on track! The investment needs over the period 2021-2030 can be summed up to about EUR 500 billion for the TEN-T core network and about EUR 1.5 trillion including the TEN-T comprehensive network. The investment necessary to develop the 9 Core Network Corridors until 2030 could generate some EUR 4,500 billion of cumulated GDP over that period, which means 1.8% additional GDP in 2030 compared to 2015 and around 13,000,000 job-years created. Last, but not least, the completion of the Core Network Corridors is expected to lead to an overall reduction of CO2 emissions of about 7 million tons between 2015 and 2030."
Jean-Louis Marchand, President FIEC